Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Buda day 2

Still no luggage.  I'm wearing one of my roommates t-shirts.  The shoes I wore to the airport were fine...for the airport.  Not for walking in Budapest.  FEET HURT.

Took a long walk today, regardless.  Up and down korut Erzesebet, which is a street filled with cafes, restaurants, boutiques, hotels and bars.  Feels like NYC without the price tag!  Even the Burger King is in a beautiful building.  I found a cafe around the corner from the hotel called VESPA.  It's decorated with Vespas, really.  They're parked in the front.  Free wifi with purchase, so here I sit, with Holly and Hannah (my American roommates) and we are enjoying glasses of dry red Hungarian wine.  

I took a 4 hour nap today after lunch.  Didn't plan on that!  But I think I really needed it after 26 hours of travelling and then getting loaded on canned Stella's while Christian and chatted on iChat.  So, today, I slept it all off.  

So, tomorrow I begin working.  Shooting B-roll and city shots.  More photography.  I want to get the Kerepesi cemetery as soon as possible.  This is where my grandmother is buried.  I have a picture of her grave and that's all to go on.  But, I'll find it.

What sucks, what REALLY REALLY SUCKS, is that my very nice Bogen tripod is in my missing suitcase.  Not sure what to do.  If my luggage doesn't arrive tonight, I'll have to buy a new one.  And all new clothes.  And a pair of Merrell's. Can't live in Holly's t-shirt for 3 weeks.  

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