After a boring break-up and bothersome semester, I just haven't felt like writing in a long time. What am I going to say? Five years of my life have come and gone and I'm frozen at my computer writing a 20 page paper on one single painting...and I know nothing about painting! Bitch and moan, bitch and moan...I was full of that negative shit for quite a few months there. The only things that saved me were my girlfriends and working out at the gym. Nothing like a failed relationship to make you look at your body and say, yep, this isn't working either. So, I guess in the past few months I've lost some weight and toned up. I think I look pretty awesome!
I pulled through it all and last week I went back home to Detroit...solo...for the first time. Solo for the holidays, solo in my heart. Heather flew down and kindly drove up with me, which was so fun! I stayed with Heather and Greg, mostly, and brought Wilson up too. 10 days at in Detroit and all around...I drove about 2500 miles with the roundtrip drive up and back and all the destinations in between.
More importantly, this vacation has a special Christmas mystery attached to it that I'll express and illuminate through the metaphor of a text, a book, to be specific. A dirty fairytale full of romance and comedy and even MUSIC that is over six years in the making. The story, as I see it, is just beginning. The book has been opened, the first chapter written and read, and read and read over again. It's not like it's one of those books that sat on my shelf and I never's more like a limited edition, signed, leather-bound one-of-a-kind edition that I finally got my hands on after much anxious searching and deliberation, false-starts and near-misses. My precious!
I couldn't put it the book down, stop touching it, reading each line over and over, running my hands and fingers across its type, trying to write it to memory, that fickle space that tricks you and rewrites itself with every passing second, every new word. I wanted to beat out memory, to burn it in, burn it down, to win. I think I made some incredible progress on that!
I'm not sure, but I think the name of the book is something like "The Midnight Adventures of Prince Habib"
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