Sunday, November 11, 2007

Clean House/Free Culture

Even though I should be reading Lessig's Free Culture, we spent the day cleaning out our little mini-room which has become a storage closet. We moved everything out and moved the jellybean black couch in...hence, I now have a quiet study/yoga room. It can also double as a guest room. Having this room clean is like having an entire new dimension to our living space. It's streamlined. We were able to move all of Xian's drums and music gear into the hall space where the couch was, so instead of having a whole drum kit in our dining room, we've moved it all upstairs. Along with this newly renovated space for me to chill and get work done comes new responsibilities. I have no excuses for leaving my books, bookbags, school shit all over the house as I am used to doing. Oh well, a little structure and fung shui can go a long way.

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